They were asked by the village council to investigate. They discovered an old ruined tower with a secret door leading to an underground series of chambers. Inside was one large room that served as some type of chapel to a stone dragon figure with 5 heads. Dispatching the kobolds the group stumbled upon evidence that other human bandits had resided in the tower ruins previously. Even more nefarious, it appeared that local council members were party to the activities of the dead highwaymen.
Aside from this was another mystery. Among the possessions of the kobold leader’s possessions was a note:
“Go forth and find the lost temple. Your warband must prove worth to the wyrmspeakers. - Langdedrosa Cyanwrath”
The group headed back to Terrelton with a sack of kobold ears and a small bone mask worn by the kobold arcanist leader. They also provided logbooks of stolen goods to the council, incriminating some of the members. The town’s cleric saw this evidence of wrongdoing and was able to convince the villagers to oust the council and reform with new leaders. The following day, several of the former guilty council members left town, sneaking off in the night.
The town cleric took special interest in the document found among the kobold leader’s things. She immediately suggested that they contact a colleague of hers, Ontharr Frume, a cleric of Tyr and a member of the Order of the Gauntlet. He currently was in Greenest, a village north of here and conducting religious scholarly work. He and the Order of the Gauntlet would be very interested in any activity of kobolds in the region that might be directed by followers of Tiamat.